The Shawmut Inn
What became The Shawmut Inn at Turbats Creek was originally developed in the 1890s as a summer home for William H. Rankin, a Waltham, MA Textile Mill Man. William’s daughters later added new buildings and started operating it as an inn in 1913. The daughters, Mary Rankin Mathews and Sarah Rankin Summersby were Proprietors when Mr. & Mrs. Harry Small bought the Inn in 1946. Their son, Frank Small took over and ran the inn. A bar was added at the Shawmut in 1962. Further improvements were made to the inn in 1963, 1964 and 1965. After Frank Small died in August 1974, former manager, Richard Hennesey co-owned it in partnership with Ray Mailhot. Miss Dumpy was selected there for the 1976 Dump Week. Developers, James Waterman and Mark Kearns bought the inn in 1987 with plans to expand it but their plans fell through. They sold it to Ralph Bruno in 1989. The O’Neil’s bought it from the estate of Ralph Bruno razed the inn and turned it back into private property around 2000. What do you remember about The Shawmut? Detailed memories are welcome!

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